
Man riding his Surly gravel bike

Ride: A Short Film About Cycling

Meet new-to-town bicycle mechanic and cyclist Ian, in Tom’s Outdoors latest film “Ride”. It’s the human power of turning feet over and over in a supple motion and the rhythm of your…

'In Her Shoes' Merrell x ROMP

Merrell x ROMP: The 5th Annual Climb

Each year, the non-profit Range of Motion Project (ROMP) organizes a mountaineering expedition to raise awareness and funds for amputees in need of prosthetic care. The 5th annual climb brought together two…

Reno to Mt. Whitney: bikes, skis and beards

Searching for an honest adventure right out their backdoor, a group of skiers and snowboarders travel south from Reno, Nevada on bicycles loaded down with ski and camp gear. Their sights on…

A Look Into Patagonia River Guides

Patagonia River Guides has a special trip and it’s at your fingertips. Watch 4-minutes covering three regions, dozens of rivers, several lodges, and the best fly fishing program in Argentina. If the…

Sam Smoothy Lands Impossible Crash

While filming in the Neacola Mountains for TGR’s twenty-first anniversary film, Tight Loose, skier Sam Smoothy left all his hesitations and fear in the Southern Hemisphere, launching a massive front flip, crashing hard,…

My Bike is My Life and My Life is My Bike

Cycling is a passion driven sport that many people participate in from childhood through their glory years. This fine sport is a direct extension of the human body and it provides many…