Gearminded is a mindset. And being “Gearminded” is a lifestyle choice:

A passion for adventure

A passion for nature

A passion for gear that enhances the outdoor experience and encourages stewardship for the environment. 

Every one of us must cultivate an unbreakable bond with the outdoor spaces that allow us to escape, dream, and feel rejuvenated. We must live the where-to-next mentality, strive to see more, do more, and share more with the growing community of outdoor enthusiasts.

Most importantly, we must choose to be lifelong stewards for protecting the places and spaces that lend their land for our enjoyment. Our stoke. Through sharing stories, features, videos, recommendations, and reviews, we encourage you to engage in outdoor recreation, support good gear, and live mindful of what we can do to preserve the freedom to adventure.

Ride that bike.

Go camping.

Take that hike.

Paddle that river.

Fish that stream.

Ski that route.

Be the change — our outdoor spaces need you.

Want to Partner with Gearminded? Let’s chat about your story idea.

Where we’ve been:

Created in 2013 by Dan Salcius, Gearminded is an online blog style magazine supported by writers and everyday athletes across the country. We share stories and perspectives from the world of adventure sports, from cycling to paddling and everything in between. We’re here for all of the creators documenting what it means to live outside.



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