White Gold: High-Water Laps on the South Fork Clearwater

A whitewater kayaker paddling a rough river in Idaho

Don’t let the calm intro fool you; this short film isn’t your traditional meditation guide. What begins with the peaceful sounds of nature quickly transitions to an intense display of mastery and skill. You don’t see paddling like this too often.

Regardless of where you look these days, adventure sports breed unbelievable talent. The world of kayaking is no exception. White Gold features a new school crew on an Idaho classic. With no agenda, their motivation is simple: the love of kayaking. Watch the next generation of paddling legends embrace the chaos of high-water laps on the South Fork Clearwater.

Filmed & Edited by: John Webster

Featured Paddlers: Galen Volckhausen, Owen Doyle, Hayden Voorhees, Driscoll Larrow, Todd Wells, Alec Voorhees

Music: Curtis Cole “Speck of Dust”

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