H+I Adventures have crafted a series of #MTBminute videos designed to give you easy-to-follow tips for your mountain bike life; In this installment of #MTBminute they are showing you the bare essential kit you should take with you into the wilderness.
During your riding lifetime, you are going to grab your mountain bike and head off on an adventure into the unknown, and bear in mind, this doesn’t need to a remote corner of Kyrgyzstan, it can be a local forest trail network. The one thing you must remember, is that if you are unsure of how long you will be out? What the trails is like? Is a complete route or will you need to turn around at some point? What will the weather do while I am exploring? Then these hits may just save you time, energy and maybe even save you from spending a night in the forest!
Perfecting your kit will take some time, but in this episode of the #MTBminute our lead Scottish guide Chris Gibbs gives you the basics to get you on your way to fine-tuning your go-to kit for n wilderness ride. Not a bike packing or overnight ride.
With these few top tips and some experience, trail exploration and backcountry rides will feel a lot safer and more predictable over time.