The Last of the Rhinos: Everything You Need to Know

With absolutely zero medicinal value and a value that triples that of gold… What do we do now?

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Today is #WorldRhinoDay and it’s also a last ditch attempt to educate the world on just how close we are to losing one of the most important animals on the globe. This GoPro documentary has truly changed my ability to completely understand the crisis at hand as well as how a select few human beings are making a change. It may be one of the most difficult tasks asked of mankind yet somehow those who try can make a difference in saving this creature.

Dereck and Beverly Joubert answer the call to save a group of rhinos from poachers in South Africa. Join us in supporting them on their journey to save one of Africa’s most iconic species.

Despite decades of research to the contrary, a myth persists that the horn of a rhinoceros has medicinal qualities for humans. Even today, one rhino is poached for its horn every 7.5 hours worldwide—and only 20,000 rhinos remain in the wild.

As we celebrate World Rhino Day on September 22, GoPro is proud to partner with several organizations dedicated to saving this majestic species.

Rhinos without Borders is a partnership between Great Plains Foundation and &Beyond. Together, they are on a mission to find the right formula of conservation, communities, and commerce that will make a lasting, sustainable difference to the world’s wildlife. Rhinos Without Borders program is relocating rhinos on a scale never before seen, moving 100 of them from the highest-density poaching areas in South Africa to the safest regions in Botswana. Three calves have already been born to the relocated rhinos. Protecting them will lead to a thriving ecosystem that affects all animals around the rhinos, right down to the lowly dung beetle. It’s a model the organization hopes to expand across Africa.

Join GoPro in supporting these organizations’ efforts to help move 100 rhinos into safety. Together, we can finish what they’ve started—and save the last of the rhinos.

Shot on the HERO4® camera from


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