Anna Glowinski – Episode 2 – How to Clean Your Bike After Each Ride

As more and more people discover (or re-discover) a love for mountain biking, we’re going back to basics to help new riders make the most of their mountain biking experience. In this series of five #newbikedays videos, MTB presenter and Shimano Supported Rider Anna Glowinski chat to Chris Gibbs (H+I Adventures lead guide and SHIMANO trained mechanic) to answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about bike maintenance on the internet from new mountain bikers.

Episode 2: How to clean your mountain bike after each ride

As important as the ‘M-check’ before your ride is cleaning your mountain bike post-ride. Whether you live in sunny Spain like Anna, or in wet and muddy Scotland like Chris, it’s important to clean your bike down after each ride to keep all the components running well, free of mud or dust, to prolong the life span of your mountain bike.

Chris talks Anna through the critical aspects of bike cleaning and explains why this is so important. As Anna concludes, bike maintenance is about developing good habits, which will ultimately mean your bike and all its components have a longer and happier life!

The next part of the process is how to service your bike regularly, which is what Chris and Anna will be discussing in episode three of our #newbikedays video series.

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