Adventure Not War is the story of three U.S. veterans traveling back into the mountains of Iraq on a mission to heal wounds and experience the country and its culture, without the shadow of war. It’s well known across the U.S. that war veterans don’t often receive the aid they need to recover from war. Through all of the pain, these soldiers often find the outdoors as their last ditch effort to keep moving forward. For all, the outdoors has a way of calming the soul, and providing direction in a life that can seem so chaotic; without purpose.
These veterans are true mentors for the many others that are suffering and looking for direction in life. Watch and listen as they take us on a once-in-a-lifetime journey.
Featuring: Stacy Bare, Captain, US Army Robin Brown, Captain, US Army Matt Griffin, Captain, US Army
Directed by Max Lowe Produced by Stept Studios