Scenic Landscape Photography Tips With A Long Lens

We always assumed that we needed as many lenses as possible when shooting landscape photography, especially for travel.

Well, the times are changing…

The point here isn’t that you need to go out and buy a bunch of lenses. Like I said earlier, it’s not the gear that will make you better.

BUT…you can rent different lenses for a few days, just to give yourself the chance to learn how to see landscapes in a new and different way. The act of doing so will help you see elements of the landscape that are worthy of a photo that, with a wide-angle lens, might otherwise go unnoticed.

Use your long lenses to create stunning scenic photos! Mark Wallace explains that in some circumstances a longer lens is better for scenic photography. A long lens creates compression, eliminates boring foregrounds, and brings distant objects closer.

Here are some tips that we found helpful from Mark Wallace:

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