How to master a river crossing with a mountain bike | The #MTBminute:
H+I Adventures have crafted a new series of #MTBminute videos designed to give you easy-to-follow tips for your mountain bike life; In this installment of #MTBminute they are getting their feet wet and learning how to master a river crossing.
You know the feeling; you’re riding a sweet piece of trail with your buddy and you’re carving a turn only to have to slam on the brakes as the trail comes to an abrupt halt. Stopping you dead in your tracks is a large river, what do you do? Turn tail and run? Or cross safely to the other side to carry on enjoying your ride?
Having the knowledge of how to cross a river safely is essential skill for any self-respecting mountain biker and in this edition of #MTBminute, H+I Adventures lead Scottish guide Chris Gibbs shows you they key stages of how to tackle a river crossing with your mountain bike – without getting swept away!
With these top tips you’ll be ready to cross with confidence to carry on the ride you were enjoying with your mate.
The “#MTBminute” brings together more than a decade of collective knowledge and experience gained around the globe by H+I Adventures’ expert guides; real on the ground issues that we have come across in all four corners of the globe. They might still take a lifetime to master but with the #MTBminute at least you’ll be off to a solid start. Check out H+I TV at