Faction’s Ski Film “This is Home”

A unique journey to the home mountains of some of the best skiers in the world, “This is Home” is no ordinary ski movie created by no ordinary ski company. The film shows that – no matter where you live in the world – from a flat urban area of Finland to the towering mountains of Utah or Switzerland, skiers are part of a unique tribe of people who create their own paths.

As one of the last independent ski companies, Faction is making some big tracks: the company first captured ski culture by creating the incredibly popular series of webisodes, “We Are the Faction Collective,” which received millions of views. The same filmmaker, Etienne Merel, brought “This is Home” to life after a year-long journey across Europe and North America. Check out the “This is Home” trailer. The film has captured the interest of skiers, athletes, and creatives across the globe, and lines have been out the door from Paris to Vancouver and Prague to Salt Lake City.

Relative to the big ski companies, Faction is small. But the company grew 40% last year and makes among the best skis in the world, trusted by rippers like Candide Thovex, Sam Anthamatten, Kelly Sildaru, Duncan Adams, Tim McChesney and Adam Delorme, among many others. But The Faction Collective is an inclusive movement: regardless of your level, if you believe you are a skier, love the outdoors and thrive on taking creative, independent lines, you’re in.

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