Anna Glowinski – Episode 1 – How to Check Your Mountain Bike Before a Ride 

As more and more people discover (or re-discover) a love for mountain biking, we’re going back to basics to help new riders make the most of their mountain biking experience. In this series of five #newbikedays videos, MTB presenter and Shimano Supported Rider Anna Glowinski chat to Chris Gibbs (H+I Adventures lead guide and SHIMANO trained mechanic) to answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) about bike maintenance on the internet from new mountain bikers.

Before the first ride of your new mountain bike, or if you haven’t ridden your bike for some time, what’s the first thing you must do to ensure that your mountain bike is fit to ride?

Chris takes Anna through an all-important ‘M-check’ of her bike, ensuring it’s safe to ride after a long period of sitting in the garage. 

Starting at the front axle of the bike, Chris works his way backward in the shape of an ‘M’, ensuring that spokes, bolts, headset, and saddle… are all in working order and nothing is loose or in poor condition. Having been in Anna’s garage for a while, the bike may not be running perfectly, but at least it’s safe for this ride. 

Having safety-checked their bikes, Anna shows Chris some of her favorite local trails in Spain, and after enjoying a few hours of riding, they then have to move on to the next important aspect of mountain bike maintenance: cleaning.

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