LAAX Highline World Championships – Best of Freestyle

The world’s 31 best slackline athletes performed their tricks in front of a spectacular backdrop at Crap Sogn Gion in LAAX. On 63-meter highlines and 20 meters above the ground, the first world champions were decided. In the “Speed Highline” discipline, the participants started together, regardless of gender. In the “Freestyle Highline” discipline, men competed against men and women against women. 

The first Highline World Championship offered pure spectacle and was a complete success. Thomas Buckingham, the main organizer and President of the Swiss and International Slackline Association, looks back on the past weekend with satisfaction: “With the first World Championship and the worldwide live broadcast, the sport of slackline has taken a good step forward. Our next goal is to be officially recognized as a sport by Swiss Olympic.”

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