2019 Blackburn Rocky Mountain Rangers

In early July 2019, three Blackburn Rangers set out to ride the Colorado Trail. At a length of more than 500 miles, and with climbing that adds up to more than 70k feet of elevation gain, the CT is no small feat in a normal year. The week before they departed, Colorado’s snowpack was 40 times higher than normal following a spring solstice storm. Emphasizing “Fun Over Fast,” this is the preview of their story.


In 1975, Jim Blackburn looked at the emerging cycling culture and knew he could make a difference. That meant thinking from the end-user perspective, showing respect for materials and their functionality while offering purpose-built design and innovation. Over the years, Blackburn has adopted and honed those principles to build quality gear that allows people to go further, do more and be better prepared for everyday and extraordinary adventures alike.

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